Now, we would be ghouls if we refused to acknowledge that non-lethal means of dealing with predators and protecting prey are better than the alternative. Surely scaring off foxes and wild dogs with a bunch of lights beats poisoning, shooting, and trapping them.
And yet.
The freedom the livestock enjoy—the liberty—is the freedom to remain someone else's property, to be kept from harm until the time is right.
Of course, we're not surprised that, like poultry we looked at long ago, they would rather not be carried off in one set or other of slavering jaws.
But their gratitude feels a little… off. It's like being grateful for shag carpeting in your cell. It keeps the chill away and comforts your shackled feet, but wouldn't parole feel even sweeter? Cold comfort might be better than no comfort at all. Granted. But wouldn't you imagine that animals would aim a little higher? That they would reserve the Lady Liberty get-up for something that came closer to the real thing?
In Suicidefoodland, the animals think a little differently. A little strangely. They have long contented themselves with small blessings.