Bloomie has, shall we say, bought into the system.
Actually, that's not nearly strong enough. Bloomie has swallowed the system whole, gone back for seconds, and leased her own seat at the table.
Honored to head up
Know that Bloomie is no mere figurehead. She is a tireless promoter. She wants everyone to have a chance to eat her and her extended family.

She schmoozes with Santa, serves up pig meat in a local eatery, and boosts Sevierville the best she can.
That she does it with such panache should not distract us from our inescapable conclusion: Bloomie needs our help, not our appetites.

In this stanza:
Know that Bloomie is no mere figurehead. She is a tireless promoter. She wants everyone to have a chance to eat her and her extended family.
I thought Bloomie is the owner of this menu. :)
I have see this very pig chef at Famous Daves BBQ in the spring of 2006!
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