More than two years ago, we introduced the world to this
humble fellow to the left. In all that time, he's never been far from our thoughts.
Of course, one thing keeping him in our imagination is the assortment of lookalikes we've encountered in the intervening years.
Those body doubles make our seventh pig logo exposé possible. (Please read up on the happenings at the
sixth go round.) Let's get to know them.

(From left to right, by row: Chuck's Southern Comforts Cafe, Big Ed's Smokin' BBQ, Homer's Backyard Bar-B-Q; Big Will's [thanks to Dr. frippy for the referral and photo], Hoffman's Bar-B-Que Shop; Hogs in the Pound BBQ.)
The dominant features here are the apple of death and the salt and pepper shakers held high. What has made this pig so richly beloved is just this deep commitment to service. Not content merely to sacrifice himself to you, he goes above and beyond, insuring that his meat is sweet, moist, and adequately seasoned. But more important than that is the rock-solid assurance that you won't have to so much as reach for the salt—it's all right there. He's even holding a fork for you. And if you need a napkin? Take his!
It is surely significant that five of the six so-called lookalikes of this pig archetype (who, henceforth, shall be known as Full Service) represent restaurants named after individuals. We'll leave it to others to discover the nature of the significance.
May we take this opportunity to right a wrong? In our analysis of Main Street BBQ in December, 2006, we erroneously referred to the pig's raised glass. Raised
glass? It's so obvious now.

Addendum (4/06/09): Full Service shows up in his fatigues on behalf of Camo Cookers. (Well, it's more like military-issue napery than a complete uniform.) Number 8!

Addendum 2 (2/08/10): It's Full Service's ninth appearance, and look! His napkin's blue! (We'll take innovation where we can get it.)

Addendum 3 (11/07/10): Example #10.
Addenda 4, 5, and 6 (5/18/11): It's been a while! Here we go with three more examples of Full Service, bringing his total to 13. (Grills & Thrills, Smoke House Bar & BBQ, and Magic Mike's Bar-B-Q.)