No, this is something new. And it has the whiff of mystery about it, exposing as it does the seldom-seen workings of the livestock industry.
This flooring-for-animals, this TenderNova, is, as advertised, multi-purpose. Its multiple purposes? "Farrowing, nursery, and finishing." In other words, this is a cradle-to-grave product. (Talk about brand loyalty!) Finishing, in case you're not familiar with the term, is just what it sounds like: finishing up the lives of livestock so that they may be finished off.
In a display of stunning doublethink, our anthropomorphic gentleman-pig touts the benefits of "the animal-friendly floor." (The product also features "excellent cleanability.") His endorsement is so winning that we might almost forget to feel disgust. (Almost.) For he is just like you: cheerful, enterprising, and—naturally—benevolent.
He epitomizes the American spirit!
(Thanks to Dr. Mrs. Suicidefood for the referral.)

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