Apparently, Moo and Oink—the eponymous livestock employed by the chain—have enchanted viewers and eaters for years. (We don't understand it either.)
One secret of their success is undoubtedly the "catchy" "jingle" that figures so prominently in the advertisements. At the risk of starting a nasty rumor, the jingle just might be the final utterance of Moo and Oink as they are delivered to the Promised Land. The tune is not, well, melodious. Or pleasant. Or listenable. Are we hearing the last words of suffering creatures—the sum of the wisdom they impart to their survivors?

This blockbuster has it all: drama, glamor, and heart. (And chitlins, too.) But mostly this is a movie with a message. And that message is "Death isn't an end. It's only the beginning."
And the soundtrack! The highlight of the song is this poignant stanza:
Tommy likes ribs and chicken wings!
If you like it too, let me hear you scream!
(Moo and Oink!)
Wave for catfish!
(Moo and Oink!)
Scream for ribs!
Scream is right.

(Thanks to the Cast of Thousands for the referral.)
If you have trouble seeing the featured Moo & Oink movie: no thanks necessary.

Hey, step back homie! Watch yourself now, you're messin' with the wrong pig and cow when you mess with Moooo and Oiiiinnnk!
Baaby baaaayby baaaayby! Moo and Oink FOREVERRRRRRRRRRR!
I can't wait for the traveling show: Moo and Oink on Ice! (That's ice-skating you sickos!)
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