It's been a long time—too long—since we presented another installment in our award-winning series of pig logo exposés. We feel that returning to the theme is instructive. It reminds us that the world of suicidefoodism is governed by the same laziness we see in other areas of life. Our challenge is not so great, after all. We can do this. And so, full of resolve and possibility, we carry on. Ladies and gentlemen: Pig Logo Exposé 4.

(Left to right, by row: Dillard Bluegrass & BBQ Fest, Pig Central, Register Meat Co., Bucky's Bar-B-Q, Tom's Hot Pork Rinds, Hog in the Hood Barbeque, Sgt. Oink's BBQ Co., Porkie's BBQ.)
As with
Pig Out, and
Ta-Da! before him, Jowly here demonstrates the marginal variety, the adherence to form we've come to expect.
True, he can be in overalls, or the ermine-trimmed robes of royalty. In the army or a motorcycle gang. Saluting or sweating, demon-faced. But through it all, Jowly bears that same eager-to-please, eager-to-push-pig-parts smile.
Let us catalog the standards of the breed: bent ears, cheek bulge, prominent chin, and snout with two fat wrinkles.
Please send us any examples of Jowly you might come across. Thank you.

Addendum (11/06/08): The Big Al's Smokin BBQ Jowly (#9) fits right in.

Addendum 2 (2/01/09): Here he is (#10), a little slimmed down, playing a bass drum with a giant pork mallet!

Addendum 3 (8/01/09): Jowly appears on a cap for his eleventh appearance (and his fourth salute).

Addendum 4 (9/14/09): The twelfth time we've seen him, and he's not looking well.

Addendum 5 (4/19/10): Number 13, this one representing Big Daddy's B-B-Q. Can you make out Big Daddy's boast down there? "If you can kill it, Big Daddy can grill it." Jowly has acquired a gold tooth somewhere along the line, too, it looks like.

Addendum 6 (4/25/10): Number 14.

Addendum 7 (5/08/10): And 15.

Addendum 8 (10/28/10): Jowly's gone native for number 16 at Daddy's Barbecue. (