In such a world, the fish would remain uneaten. The laughably tiny plate would not be its grave, just as cutlery would not stand sentinel as its tombstones. Shockingly, it might still languish in the free seas, there to suffer the joys that only the living must endure.
But, oh! What happy circumstance! What relief we feel as we wake from our dark reverie and realize that—yes!—the fish is dead. And fresh. (The finest trick of "food" animals.)
The overall effect is a tribute to the wonders of obedience. When one follows the rules, when one is a true citizen, only then can one be properly killed and eaten. Take heed, children!

"When one follows the rules, when one is a true citizen, only then can one be properly killed and eaten." It's all a bit Shirley Jacksonish, innit?
You know, if it were *pig* products being described as "legal", I can bet you the logo would be a slutty 18 year old pig. The question becomes, should we be happy for the fish that they don't have to demean themselves this way? Or should we feel sympathy for them because they don't have a chance to, um, doll themselves up for their consumers?
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