Not content merely to await death, or even meet it with verve by, say, jumping into the cauldron, this one grabs a mallet and gets ready to start swinging!
Yes, he does need to drink some courage first—by the looks of the shaky mug sloshing beer on the table, he's been at this a while—but let's not hold that against him. He is, still and all, remarkably calm and good-tempered, considering what's about to happen. (This must not be Crabby Kent. Then again, if Kent is the proprietor, how could he be crabby with such bold and twisted crabs in his employ?)
Maybe this one's excited at the prospect of killing others of his kind before turning the mallet on himself. Either way, we salute you, enthusiastically suicidal crab!

This is the oddest blog I've come across yet. I love it. Check mine out if you're ever bored trying to find suicidal food: abarclay12.wordpress.com
This blog is the funniest thing I've read in a while. You = awesome.
This crab is smiling because he has somehow seized a mallet, and is able to fend off his would-be eaters. For now....
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