We have here a perplexing trope that comes into sharp focus when viewed through the lens of suicidefoodism. Why should livestock work to preserve the farms that subjugate them? Why should livestock care so deeply that their masters get a fair price for butchering them? Why should livestock petition on behalf of the system that will ultimately kill them?
In the real world, of course, they do not. They
should not. They
could not. But in the through-a-glass-darkly land of Suicide Food, it makes perfect sense.

Yes, in this warped world, a turkey walks the picket line to insure that "his" farm, an establishment that will eventually kill him, stays in business; a snarling cow is downright ornery about the price fixing that hurts his owner's bottom line; and a smiling British pig with a stiff upper lip alerts us to the fact that "the pig industry is losing money every second."
These animals are proud to be property and they renounce any claim on their own lives. Freedom is a ploy, independence a penalty imposed on wild animals for their ignorance of the animals' proper place. These farm apologists, however, have embraced a cruel vision of civilization, one founded on their enslavement and death.

"Freedom is a ploy, independence a penalty imposed on wild animals for their ignorance of the animals' proper place. These farm apologists, however, have embraced a cruel vision of civilization, one founded on their enslavement and death."
Wow. A sort of microcosm of our civilization.
The pig industry is losing money every second? That's great! I didn't know that!
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