Then we realized we were looking at it all wrong. We were seeing the details but missing the big picture. For what is J. R. R.'s tale about? Beyond the comings and goings of bearded weirdos and a bunch of business about a giant, evil eyeball, it's a story about brotherhood and sacrifice. Brotherhood and sacrifice? That's the hallmark of modern "food" animals!
It all made sense! Who knows more about sacrifice and selflessness than cows, pigs, and chickens? Who is better suited to hit the battlefield of Dagorlad—also known as the backyard barbecues of North America—and offer themselves up for their friends? In this respect, all the animals are Sam Gamgees, bearing all our burdens, long-suffering, never questioning our motives or intentions.
Epilogue: Five minutes later it stopped making sense again.

1 comment:
Seriously, the people who made this have a much looser grasp of Lord of the Rings iconography than the R2-BQ folks had of Star Wars iconography. Seriously, what is that castle supposed to be? Even the font looks all wrong.
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