Down on the bayou, everyone finds a home. On this commune of carnivory, in this shack that love built, neither consumer nor consumed will be driven away.
Raccoons! Come and perch atop our gable.
Gators! Enjoy our homey swamp.
Cows! Bask in our boats.
Hound dogs! Laze the day away.
Busty women! Lean forward and kind of... press 'em together... Yeah, just like that. Now don't move.
Snakes! Um… Be… on our sign?
We will all enjoy barbecued meat of every pedigree! The "food" animals can count on getting killed and eaten in colorful Cajun fashion. Bonhomie reigns as the steaks grill and the ribs sizzle.
Laissez les bon temps roule, indeed! "Let the

Yes—there's something for everyone!

That's not a cat on the gable, that's a raccoon.
Oops. Noted and corrected.
I think the cow is already dead. She has been put into the boat solely for cooling purposes.
Well, her tongue is sticking out to the side but you can't say conclusively that she's dead unless her eyes are replaced by X marks.
Darmok is right. That's just basic science.
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