
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ship Captain Crew BBQ

Just a couple of pirate-types at your service. While we've seen pig pirates before (here and here, for instance)—and even a chicken pirate!—we can say with swaggering piratical confidence that this is the first pirate cow and goat we've come across.

And speaking of confidence, get a load of these two! The cap'n, with his arms crossed over his chest, perfectly secure in the rightness of his eventual death, and the fork-wielding crewman—these guys have mastered the pose of inappropriate peace.

Of course, as pirates, they should be, you know, fighting. Resisting. Rebelling. Anything other than basking in their own sanguine victimhood!

But these are vagabonds on the high suicidal seas, remember. Aboard the ship Sacrifice, they consult their maps and steer into every bay that offers them the merest hint of getting killed and eaten. One day. One day they'll reach it.

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