
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Little India

Just when we had finally scoured the pornographic Rachachuros corpses from our memory, this thing comes along, falling into our lap like so much filth. We are infected all over again.

This advertisement, from Swiss restaurant Little India, trades on the magnetic pull that sex and violence have with each other in our society. And in this case, it has the added advantage that it mocks dead birds by flaunting life's sensual pleasures, pleasures the birds will never again enjoy. Not enough that the chickens have been raised to be killed and eaten. No, contempt—that most delicious seasoning—is heaped upon them as well. Looking at this atrocity, we can practically hear the snickers.

This "erotic" poster gives us chickens frolicking in death. Though headless, they indulge every urge. Clearly, they are not complaining. Although, again, for the thousandth time at least, we wonder how this serves to whet anyone's appetite. Dead, decapitated animals presenting a caricature of our own intimate behavior? Whose hunger responds to this? Do you want to know them?

We have previously seen what suicidefoodism thinks of childhood innocence. Now we discover what the deranged worldview thinks of love and the procreative impulse. Here, in ridiculing the Kama Sutra and its wide-ranging depiction of sacred sex and spiritual union, life's most basic yearning is derided. What is left to denigrate? Our desire for freedom? Our hopes for a better world? Our longing to leave to posterity the best of ourselves?

If our shared humanity is mere fuel for their all-consuming flames, what could possibly be so precious as to earn their mercy?

(Thanks to Dr. Liz for the referral.)


  1. Jesus H. Christ.
    I applaud you, Ben, for sifting through this kind of thing and writing intelligently about it, for lesser men/women would surely falter.

  2. Yep.

    Definitely a five-noose entry.


  3. Just when you said the Rachachuros corpses were the worst... They were trying to look sexy, not actually... sexing...

    Who the frick drew this?! I honestly could not. I wouldn't know where to begin, and I'd run away from the commissioner...

  4. jesus, lighten up. these are hilarious.

  5. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...Hindu chicken...........

  6. That is disgusting and sick-inducing...

  7. This is hilarious, What is the name of this restaurant, I really want to eat here.

  8. "we wonder how this serves to whet anyone's appetite".

    Chill down and drop the psychanalysis thing, this isn't meant to appetize or un-appetize anyone, it's just called dark humor.

    What those (and other similar) are meant to do is only stay in memory or even go viral.
    (for which they're definately successful, as the darkest ones are the ones most shared by vegans, at least you're helping, LOL)
