
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sa-Mokin Barbeque Sauce

Look, we don't know whether this guy's a pimp or just some throwback zoot-suited hep-cat. But we do know he's looking awfully stylish for a pig who's about to be covered in sauce and cooked. Yes, he's smoking sa-mokin—as in nattily attired—but we know well the word's other senses, and so should the pig.

The worrisome truth is that the pig just doesn't care. Having been ushered into the comforting arms of denial, the pig sees only what's right in front of him.

He knows he has no future. He knows there are no golden years awaiting him. So why waste time on hope?

He can't change his fate—woe betide the pig who believes otherwise—so he busies himself with what he can control: his clothes. His look. His style. It's a trifling thing, but it's the only thing within his grasp, so he clutches at it like a log in a rushing river. It won't save his life, but it might save his soul.

So we'll say the only thing with any meaning at all: Looking sharp, pig.

Addendum (3/21/11): Yes, as Dr. Schnauzer points out in the comments, this pig is of course impersonating Jim Carrey's character from The Mask. Look, we can't be expected to notice everything.


  1. It's better on chicken than pork.

  2. This is not just any pig ... he is "The Mask" as portrayed in film by Jim Carrey (see costume example at link below). "Sa-mokin!" was of course a tagline for the fun-loving Yellow zoot suit clad Mask character (yes he even had that pimpish feather in his fedora). I guess only the most jaunty and gregarious pigs are ready for this sauce. On balance, I am pretty sure this pig should habve declined the transformation.

    Your friend and identifier of outdated symbols,

    Dr. Toby Schnauzer


  3. First the barbecue "dawgs"-as-Alvin and the Chipmunks deal, and now this. Dr. Schnauzer, you are our popular culture referee.

  4. Given the cultural references in question, I am not sure whether to be proud or ashamed.

    Dr. Schnuazer
