
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Buddy's All-American Bar-B-Que

The pig—embodiment of all things all-American—is more right than he knows. For, as we have exhaustively, retchingly documented, nothing, in fact, could be more American than pigs—and other animals—who strive only for an honorable death. Which, let's be honest, really just means any old death. When their duty is to die, any death is honorable.

So let Buddy be your guide, America, as you strive to live up to your ideals of fortitude, sacrifice, and nobility.

(Thanks to Dr. Nessa for permission to use the photo.)

Addendum: Read up on our 2009 and 2007 July 4th profiles. (It seems we weren't patriotic enough in 2008 to honor the fourth.)

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