
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Rachachuros Seasoning

We have been in the business of exposing and elucidating suicidefoodism for a long time now.

We have presented hundreds of mascots, logos, and cartoons.

We have steeled ourselves to the contempt so often expressed for animals.

We have made our way through the muck of animal-hatred, small mindedness, and poor taste.

We have dredged the swamp of sickness to uncover the truth.

We have seen it all.

Or so we thought.

Welcome to the bottom. This is the sewer of suicide food. We pray—tears streaming from eyes shut tight—that this is the worst we will ever see. Just a glance at this and our sanity trembles and teeters. This is an undeniable obscenity.

A duck—dead and plucked—entices us with (human!) bedroom eyes. The goal of her seduction: inflaming our appetites to the point where we cannot resist devouring her remains in a spasm of unquenchable sexual hunger.

"The temptation of taste," the ad copy reads. The triumph of debased tastelessness, is more like it.

These depictions of the duck, the pig, and the chicken are opposed to every tender feeling, to every noble intention. They establish a zenith of inhumanity, dedicating a decadent temple of perversion. They encourage adherents to worship their sacrifices and then violate them.

Please forgive us for bringing these pictures to your attention.

(Thanks to Dr. Liz for the referral.)

Addendum: If we were not a signatory to the charter of Outraged Commenters on Suicidefoodist Imagery, and thereby limited to a five-noose scale, we would award the erotic Rachachuros corpses a minimum of eight.

Addendum 2: The photos above are the worst, but not the first, horrendous advertising campaign perpetrated on behalf of Rachachuros Seasoning. The duck to the right is from a series of ads meant to illustrate just how delicious the product is: dead animals coated in it might wish to eat themselves! Another home run!


  1. Holy mother of God.
    Good to see HR Giger still getting work, at least.

  2. What the...??

    What country are these from? I know they aren't from America...Americans prefer smiling cartoon animals and meat growing on trees.

  3. I am offended that you didn't use my SFW version.

  4. Your "clean" version, while thoughtful (and artfully executed) only made a bad situation worse.

  5. That is disturbing. Further evidence that our culture treats women and animals as commodities.

  6. I think we have a winner...

  7. Yeuch. I want to go outside and kiss every duck i see just to expunge that image. (Althogh since the ducks here are in a state of sexual frenzy right now, that might be a bad idea...)

  8. This is one of the worst things I've ever seen, and that includes all the video footage and photography that caused me to go vegan in the first place. (And I've seen everything!)

    Note: my CAPTCHA is "bedeak". If only it were "debeak" it would be perfect for the blog!

  9. See, dammit, I knew there was a link between my veganism and my feminism.

  10. This is brilliant advertising! What a shame they did not use an alligator. Then they could have capitalized on the fact that an animal should be both tasty and fit impeccably well!

  11. LoL @ the "Good to see H.R. Geiger is still getting some work" comment. This seems to be a bit more Clive Barker to me in my opinion though.

  12. This ad campain is incredible! It makes me very hungry, AND aroused! Whoever did this is brilliant...also, you guys are all weirdo's for getting so worked up over this stuff.

    Get a life.

  13. You need to keep up. We posted this nearly 21 months ago. And since then, we did, in fact, get a life.

    But then we lost it.

    Carry on.

  14. Mr. Anonymous, if we had a commenters Hall of Fame, you'd be in it, justly celebrated and revered! Write us any time!

  15. I eat meat.
    I eat yummy animals.
    I love being a carnivore.
    I belive animals are here for us to use.
    Yes, the path to the slaughter should be paved, but people are, in fact, omnivores.
    But this is just SICK. Anthropomorphising DEAD animals and giving them a concious after they're cooked is just wrong.
