
Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Mr. Genuine Worm has a lesson for us:

All of nature, the ancient plants, the miraculous animals—all of her myriad children!—the entire pageant of That Which Lives! All of it strives to be eaten! By you!

(Okay, "strives" might be a little strong. El Worm is hardly striving to do anything. That's more like "basking." Still, you get the point.)

Hotlix, the "original edible insect candy creator," shares more than worms! Ants, crickets, butterflies, scorpions, and more await your gullet.

These particular animals know that you probably do not wish to eat them. Not because you—ha!—respect them, or experience some sort of (snicker) kinship with them. No, it's not that they are spared. They simply don't make the cut.

Insects, arachnids, and annelids have to try harder.

They must appear cuter. More friendly. Less threatening. This is some major rebranding here. Insects? Creepy? Hardly! When you think insects, think cuddly! Think "man's best friend," so like us, so attuned to our Way of Life. And then you'll want to eat them for sure!

Yes, it is suspect philosophy, but this is hardly news to us.

Whether assuming the form of American icons (again with the American Gothic lookalikes?), chocolate-bathing hot-tubbers, or anything in between, they will do whatever it takes, try on any disguise, if they can only convince you that they deserve to die.

(Thanks to Dr. Josh for the referral and the photo of Genuine Worm.)

1 comment:

  1. All of nature, the ancient plants, the miraculous animals—all of her myriad children!—the entire pageant of That Which Lives! All of it strives to be eaten! By you!

    This reminds me of a line spoken by one of my haughtier classmates during an animal-issues class debate: "Animals are here for ME to eat!" So there you go. Millions of years of evolution and diversity of life--just for the sake of one girl's digestive process.
